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How Your Business can Gain with Multimedia Music Video Production Services in Houston

Video Production

Corporate videos are quite a hit in today’s time. They have emerged as one the best ways to gain the limelight, and are a popular means to promote the growth of a business. The aspect that makes corporate videos a preference nowadays is that they help consumers gain product information they were interested in. As a matter of fact, four times as many consumers prefer watching a video about a product rather than reading about it.

The key to jump-starting marketing, corporate videos is not only to engage consumers from a wide spectrum, but also entertain them. What’s prominent to note is that the video should be made in the perfect manner, as poorly made corporate videos are of no good use for the business and reap no benefits either.

The ultimate marketing tool, corporate videos are highly rewarding. Let’s uncover the reasons that make corporate videos a worthy investment. They include:

  • More traffic – Corporate videos account for two-thirds of all internet traffic. When using corporate videos, the website is 75% more likely to get traffic, which in turn, means more sales.
  • More shares – A video is 7x more likely to get shared than a link on Facebook. So, if you want your brand name out there on the market and that too in an impressive manner, making use of a corporate video will be the prompt way to attain the same.
  • Better SEO rankings – Involving the use of corporate video production will help you show up in search engines more than companies who do not. Having a video on your site will ensure your customers are able to find you and you stay ahead of your competitors.
  • Enhanced brand awareness – Videos are known to create strong emotional response and feeling. You can successfully engage your target client by invoking powerful emotions with a corporate video having a message a longer lasting, stronger impression in comparison to words.
  • Increased client conversion rate – According to a study, if you have a video on your landing page, you are 80% more likely to convert traffic to clients. So, opt for a corporate video and put it on your site’s landing page so that you can double your client conversion rate.

That’s not all! High ROI, a better explanation of things, enhanced call to action, and uniqueness in marketing strategy are a few benefits that corporate multimedia music video production services in Houston can help you reap.

For popular Houston video production in Texas, initiate contact with us, 713 Media Group right away!

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